A trendsetter for India’s performing arts. A fresh new light on art, artistes and audiences.
Sarvam Stage has helped propagate, promote and preserve Indian performing arts for posterity. We have hosted 30 major arts showcases and festivals in India where with the online and offline publicity, it had reached out to lakhs of people across India. We co-curated the largest performing arts Calendar in the world from 2015 - 2018. We have organized major Residencies in Bharatanatyam for the past several years to create and mentor new artistes and art organizers.

Indian performing arts have often evaded new audiences simply because of the way they are presented. They seem overwhelming and inaccessible for those without knowledge of the intricacies of ancient art forms.
Then there are the never ending speeches, garlanding and lamp lighting presentations, antiquated dull marketing initiatives.
The result? Often empty auditoriums and neglected artistes.
At Sarvam Stage, the approach is innovative and path-breaking. Sarvam Foundations events are known for being no-nonsense beautiful curations keeping the artiste at the heart of it all. At Sarvam, not a single event, even on a weekday has not been housefull.
How? Pure cost effective marketing through unique initiatives that will appeal to the youth & non-traditional audiences too. We literally put the artistes on billboards when we could because why should only Bollywood have all the fun! Through innovative collaboration, we ensured the arts get the respect they deserve thereby perpetuating and preserving our heritage for prosperity.

Indian tradition has always placed an emphasis on learning by example from a Guru to a disciple. Hence the ancient schooling system of ‘Gurukulas.’
We created yearly mini-Gurukulas whereby national and international participants came to live with a Guru for a few days in beautiful meditative settings in Delhi and Auroville for not only learning a concrete piece to showcase whenever but also to learn activities around dance - be it exercises, meditation,
Yoga, chanting, guest lectures, movies on art and a wholesome way of nutrition.
Special Mention - The brilliant performer Rama Vaidyanathan started teaching students in India with our Residencies! And this has created a whole ecosystem in Bharatanatyam. So many of the participants are now her full-time disciples, performing frequently and many have even started their own arts foundations to hold workshops and festivals. All it takes is one spark sometimes to set a whole system on fire of inspiration!
Sarvam Foundation in collaboration with talented photographer Inni Singh released four years in a row, the world’s largest performing arts Calendars.
Supported by various partners such as the Saha Group and Milapfest, these were free initiatives to bring the magic of performing arts into people’s homes and lives. Around a hundred young and older artistes were given amazing new portfolios at no cost to promote their artforms and themselves.

We curated each photograph in a very special way! Our very own take on glamorous calendars that feature film stars and supermodels!
Sarvam Foundation in association with leading publishers, Penguin House India held two very special book release events featuring brilliant speakers and intellectuals speaking about the relevance of spirituality and syncretism - multitudinous faiths and negotiating peace through it all.

Sarvam Foundation in collaboration with talented photographer Inni Singh released four years in a row, the world’s largest performing arts Calendars.
Supported by various partners such as the Saha Group and Milapfest, these were free initiatives to bring the magic of performing arts into people’s homes and lives. Around a hundred young and older artistes were given amazing new portfolios at no cost to promote their artforms and themselves.